Traktor Pro Plus v3.11.0 macOS Team HCiSO | 484 MB

2 Min Read

TRAKTOR PRO Plus is an add-on subscription for existing TRAKTOR PRO users. Through this subscription, we will release an ever-growing stream of exciting new features outside of the usual major releases. These features will not be mandatory for base functionality but are intended to improve sound and performance by utilizing certain innovative technologies found across the entities of Soundwide. Our hope is that this will enable you to enjoy more immediate access to our ongoing developments at TRAKTOR, thereby providing new instances for creative inspiration on a regular basis. Unlock our latest features. We’ll be adding cutting-edge tools and effects for Plus subscribers frequently. We’ve outlined our release schedule for the coming months in a road map, which you can see here.


Use built-in sound packs to create custom percussion loops to complement your sets, all mappable to your existing setup and hardware.

We’ve integrated the Ozone Maximizer with TRAKTOR’s master output, allowing you to take your sounds and sets to new heights.

Annual subscribers will get three months of free streaming through Beatsource’s basic tier or Beatport’s Advanced streaming tier, where you can build libraries from curated playlists and millions of on-demand tracks.

Supported Operation System:
• macOS 10.15 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor


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Direccion de la carpeta: /Users/Shared/Native Instruments/Native Access/ras3/


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